Biniam Araya and Berhe Tekle having a coffee at Nejos café in Rinkeby. Photo: Magnus Laupa / Kontinent
By Magnus Laupa – Rinkeby! The suburb in the northwestern part of Stockholm has it’s headlines. And not only in Sweden, but around the world. United States, Germany and Russia. Rinkeby has been reported to be a ”no-go zone”, where even the police do not dare to go. ”Some people think that if they get to Rinkeby, they don’t get out alive”. When the suburb is given attention, it is generally for the reasons of violence. It is facts that the suburban suffers from criminal gangs and violence but residents believe that even ordinary people are labeled as criminals. The reporter Sami Sillanpää and photographer Magnus Laupa went to Rinkeby to meet people in their daily lifes behind the alarming headlines.
Rinkeby Torg. In the northwest part of Stockholm, Rinkeby suburbs, 91% of the residents have background from abroad. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentTensta Konsthall arranges guided tours in Tensta. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentTensta. The Million Programme is the common name for an ambitious public housing programme implemented in Sweden between 1965 and 1974 by the governing Swedish Social Democratic Party to make sure everyone could have a home at a reasonable price. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentThe Fruit and vegetables market place at Tensta Torg offer fine prizes at the very last market day for the year. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentThe Fruit and vegetables market place at Tensta Torg offer fine prizes at the very last market day for the year. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentTensta. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentStairs up to Tensta Torg. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentQais Abu on high Jump in Tensta Parkour park. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentBarber Abdusamad Mohamad and client Suleiman Abdullahi at Zeki Hair at Rinkebystråket. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentInkan Holmqvist at home. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentFolkets Hus, Rinkeby. Nattalie Ström Bunpuckdee, "The Best Poet in Tensta 2016", arranges workshop classes in hip-hop poem´s writing. Photo: Magnus Laupa / Kontinent"The Best Poet i Tensta 2016", Nattalie Ström Bunpuckdee (center), having workshop in hip-hop poems writing in Folkets Hus, Rinkeby. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentBlå huset in Tensta invited local residents and politicians for a meeting to discuss the living situation in the area of Järvafältet. In one Month two people were shoot to death in Tensta. The meeting started with a one minute in silence to show respect victims and their families. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentBiniam Araya and Berhe Tekle having a coffee at Nejos café in Rinkeby. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentTensta centrum. Katja, Aila and Taisto Lindgren. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentSunset over the street named Rinkebystråket. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentFinnish Senior Citizens having an afternoon Karaoke in Akalla. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentArt work in Rinkeby. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentAkropol Basket having training for kids in Rinkeby. Dohha and Azra trying to score. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentAli Al-Kazaz after training at Tensta Boxing Club. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentTensta Boxing Club. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentThe House for Youth in Rinkeby. Youth leadears gathered, they work to support teenagers not to hang out on the street. Hamza Bougamza, 26, (in front) is one of Sweden´s best Thai boxer. As young he often spent time in the centre of Rinkeby. Today is a role model for many teens in Rinkeby. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentFahmu Ali and Nasteha Ali. Every Friday and Saturday a group of night walking mothers, walk around the centre of Rinkeby to talk to Teenagers. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentSeveral fire trucks, police cars and ambulance cars gathered at Tensta Allé after a fire alarm. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentFirefighter Kristian Björndahl at Tensta Allé. Several fire trucks, police cars and ambulance cars gathered at Tensta Allé after a fire alarm. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentMona Ali, Mona Newair and Ghada Hussein at restaurant Alomdah in Rinkeby. Photo: Magnus Laupa / KontinentFamily Sunday service at Spånga Kyrka. In front Tekla, 11 and the children´s choir enter the church. Photo: Magnus Laupa / Kontinent