June 10 2020 Nacka, Stockholm, Sweden. Personnel and residents at elderly care home ’’Villa Tollare’’ taking a rest during their daily walk. Photo by Magnus Laupa / Kontinent
Ongoing project – The Kontinent photographers bring together a collection of images picturing the daily life changes in Sweden during the corona crisis.
April 4 2020 Stockholm, Sweden. FREEDOM TO ROAM. Compared to most other countries, restrictions due to the Coronavirus have been much lighter in Sweden. We still have the freedom to be outside as much as we like. Sweden is unique in the sense there is always nature around, also in the big cities. I’m trying to capture the meditative state myself and lots of other people get to when we let ourselves get absorbed by the forests and the lakes in Nackareservatet, a big nature reserve just outside Stockholm. Photo by Moa Karlberg / KontinentApril 6 2020 Stockholm, Sweden. FREEDOM TO ROAM. Compared to most other countries, restrictions due to the Coronavirus have been much lighter in Sweden. We still have the freedom to be outside as much as we like. Sweden is unique in the sense there is always nature around, also in the big cities. I’m trying to capture the meditative state myself and lots of other people get to when we let ourselves get absorbed by the forests and the lakes in Nackareservatet, a big nature reserve just outside Stockholm. Photo by Moa Karlberg / KontinentApril 6 2020 Stockholm, Sweden. Easter celebration. Photo by Magnus Laupa / KontinentApril 17 2020 Stockholm, Sweden. The public Arts School closed, so now Cloe Femenia, 9, takes her art classes at home through video-link. Photo by Marc Femenia / KontinentApril 17 2020 Stockholm, Sweden. Lindsey Telford. Photo by Magnus Laupa / KontinentApril 18 2020. Stockholm, Sweden. Avalon Smederevac and Lucas Serras. Photo by Magnus Laupa / KontinentApril 18 2020 Stockholm, Sweden. Saturday night in Stockholm. Outside Söders Hjärta´s bar. - We drink the beer outside in respect for those who wants to sit inside, says Linnéa Lundmark. Photo by Magnus Laupa / KontinentApril 22 2020. Greta Thunberg is recording a live conversation on Zoom with environmentalist Johan Rockström in an empty Nobel Prize Museum. Remote cameras have been setup to guarantee a safe distance around the young activist. Photo by Clément Morin / KontinentApril 21 2020 Stockholm, Sweden.The Public Health Agency of Sweden advises - keep distance to each other. People wating for the bus to Stockholm. Photo by Magnus Laupa / KontinentMay 4 2020. Dental hygienist Kaban Hussein have no bookings. Photo by Magnus Laupa / KontinentMay 12 2020 Nacka, Sweden. Home office. Photo by Magnus Laupa / KontinentMay 15 2020 Student's cap ceremony at Almedalen. Visby, Sweden July 15 2020. Photo by Kalle Melander / KontinentMay 29 2020 Since she cannot go to yoga and dance classes, and her apartment does not have enough space, my friend Alexandra uses the community landry room to attend online zumba classes. – It’s perfect, she says, I load a machine and the clothes are clean after 38 minutes. And the zumba class takes 35 minutes. Stockholm, Sweden. Photo by Moa Karlberg / KontinentJune 10 2020 Nacka, Stockholm, Sweden. Home for elderly care ’’Villa Tollare’’. Personnel and residents having a rest during the daily walk. Personnel at Villa Tollare wear protection shields to protect their elder residents. Photo by Magnus Laupa / Kontinent