By Margareta Bloom Sandebäck – Ever since porn was legalized in Sweden in 1971, the Swedish porn industry has led a dwindling existence. Salaries as well as profits are low and the industry’s glory days have past, but there is still money to be made. People in the business seek mutual friendship and understanding. It’s a closed world far away from society’s judgement and prejudice. It’s an industry created for secret desires. But what do the people in it dream about?
2010-09-00 Stockholm, Sweden
The real camera broke down on set and the man filming went for plan B – his small digital camera. He is notably nervous; an amateur who has paid SEK 10,000 for Mamoni and Tony to perform two sex scenes in his apartment.
For a whole day’s work Mamoni is paid around SEK 6,000 before taxes. That’s more than Tony gets, though, being male.
“Women earn more than men in this business, but we’re more exposed and are harder to attract”, she says. Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-09-00 Stockholm, Sweden
Mamoni, porn actress, on set.
Hailing from the Swedish North, Mamoni moved to Stockholm a few years ago. She joined the industry on the recommendation of her boyfriend. Actors never tend to stay long, however, and the pay is to low to earn a living solely as a porn actress. So combining a part-time job and moonlighting is common. Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-11-00 Midsommarkransen, Sweden
Martin, Amina’s husband, sniffing coke in their bedroom.
Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-10-00 Köping, Sweden
December before a gogo-dance gig.
Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-11-00 Ekerö, Sweden
Mamoni prepares for a shoot in her bathroom.
“You make certain preparations. Instead of shaving, I wax if I know I’m shooting many scenes. The body gets worn out after several days”, Mamoni says.
The most important preparation is making sure the performers are STD free. Condoms are hardly ever used, and to stay in porn business you need to stay clean to get gigs and be trusted. Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-09-00 Kallhäll, Sweden
Tony and Mamoni are waiting on set for the shoot to kick off. They have been living together with their three cats for a couple of years. The fact that they’re both pornstars is not something they consider to be a problem in their personal relation.
“I don’t consider it to be adultery when we sleep with others, just as long as there’s a camera recording it. You press record and do your job. It’s all about being honest and open”, Mamoni explains. Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-10-00 Stockholm, Sweden
Backstage at a strip and porn show in a Stockholm suburb. Between their performances, the women change outfits, drink, laugh and take care of scrapes and bruises they’ve gotten from the pole before getting out on the floor again.
One of the strippers – Amina – winces while sipping white wine from a plastic bottle. She’s got gastritis, and it hurts when the liquid hits her stomach. Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-09-00, Kallhäll, Sweden
20-year-old Micaela sits on the director’s private bed in his apartment after successfully completing a scene. She says that the only person objecting to her career choice so far is her mother, who found out through her local Jehova’s Witnesses. Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent
“She yelled at me and tried to reason with me, reading quotes from the Bible. But I get laid and get paid. I don’t think I’d even want a real job.” Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-11-00 Ekerö, Sweden
Mamoni’s arm is full of scars. They’re memories of her youth, even though she describes her childhood as happy. Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-11-00 Ekerö, Sweden
This is the house where Tony and Mamoni live together, but the houses of friends, actors and other people from the team are often used as locations for movies. Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-11-00 Ekerö, Sweden
Tony on set.
He drives a truck for a living, but often plays parts in porn movies. Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-11-00 Ekerö, Sweden
Saatu arrived with the ferry from Finland a couple of hours ago. Together with her husband she is here for a quick shoot before going back. She describes the Finnish porn industry as much rougher and exploitive than the Swedish. Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-10-00 Östermalm, Sweden
View from window on set.
In a vast apartment with luxurious furniture located in the upscale area of Östermalm, a man greets Mamoni. Normally he works in finance, but today he’s going to take nude pictures of Mamoni for a small fee. Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent2010-11-00 Midsommarkransen, Sweden
For many years, Amina has worked as a stripper, and only recently transitioned into porn. Her appearance never goes unnoticed. She has invested a lot in her body. She’s designed it – and made it a strong brand.
“The great benefit of this profession is the freedom”, Amina says. “I decide when, where or how to work.” Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Kontinent