Torbjörn Andersson was one of Swedens most highly awarded photographers. He passed away in the summer of 2015 after a fight against cancer, and he is greatly missed by all those whose lives he touched.
For more than five decades he depicted the world in pictures as he saw it. He always took the time to do his reportages in depth, to get as close as possible to the people he documented. Although Torbjörn Andersson was a kind and humble person, the vision of the world he expressed in his images was firm and uncompromising.
As a photographer he showed the unseen and gave a voice to people who rarely get a chance to be heard.
“Some people may have been helped thanks to pictures that I have taken, but I think that evil in the world is a constant. My role can only be to tell as compelling as possible a story of the reality I experience.”
Outside of his work, or even in the midst of it, he always took the time to share insights and knowledge with his colleagues. We believe that it is important to continue to work in that spirit of transmission and encouragement.
For that reason, through the “Torbjörn Andersson Award” we would like, as mentors, to share our experience of the industry and support emerging photographers with their projects.
Submit a personal letter describing why you would like to join the mentoring program, your goals and aspirations and describe a story or project you would like to realize. This could be an on-going project or an idea.
In addition to the above please attach a portfolio with a selection of recent work (15-25 images). The portfolio should contain at least one story or project. Send both your personal letter and portfolio to: apply@kontinent.se (images should be in jpg format max. 2000 pixels on the longest side, the personal letter can be written in Swedish).
March 12 Submission opens
May 01 Final date for submission
May 15 The winner of the Torbjörn Andersson Award 2017 is announced
The winner will meet with Kontinent founder Magnus Laupa on several occasions to get feedback on your work in progress. There will also be opportunities to meet Kontinent’s photojournalists.
Benefits of the mentorship:
- The opportunity to share thoughts and ideas with experienced photojournalists and polish necessary skills
- Establish new contacts and expand your professional network
- Have your work featured on the Kontinent website
The mentorship lasts for six months, during which you and your mentor are in contact once a month and will meet individually on at least three occasions as well as having the opportunity to meet with other Kontinent members. The purpose of these meetings is to show your work, receive feedback and discuss the possibilities to develop, sell and publish your project.
The program is aimed at those who are new to the industry and who wish to develop their storytelling technique. It is intended for photographers who aim to expand their professional practice, as they will receive support from professional photojournalists.