Chernobyl Summer Camp Exhibition

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The exhibition by Pi Frisk opens on 28th April at the Södertörn University in Stockholm.

30 years ago today, on 26th April 1986, reactor 4 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded. The Nuclear legacies project group at Centre for Baltic and East European studies at Södertörn University (CBEES) proposes to reflect on this month over the legacy of the Chernobyl disaster today – 30 years later.

The Chernobyl legacy will be adressed at the University Library with presentations of prominent authors, researchers and at the exhibition “Chernobyl summer camp” by photographer Pi Frisk (from 28th April to 13th May).

Pi Frisk was awarded third prize in the Swedish Picture of the Year for a portrait from the series. See the full story here. Read a previous interview with Pi Frisk here.

Read more about the actual event here.