2016 by Kontinent

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2016 has been rich in projects for our photographers. They have covered stories from all over the world, ranging from the war in Afghanistan, the king’s death in Thailand, large waves of refugees coming to Sweden, or the election of 45th American president. Reporting about breaking news in one thing, but to shed light on the lives of the ordinary people who have to face the consequences of these world-shifting events is where the true challenge is. And this is where the Kontinent photographers have been fantastic this year again: finding, working hard, and bringing back the underreported stories.

In March 2016, Anders Hansson was awarded Photographer of the Year in Sweden, and we are very proud to count 3 Kontinent photographers among the nominees in the Picture of the Year 2017 competition: Anna Tärnhuvud, Anders Hansson, and Niclas Hammarström.

In our collective exhibition “Transforming our World”, Kontinent photographers have come together to illustrate the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and show in our way the consequences of our continued inaction as well as the hopes for a better future.

Here the photographers bring you their best of 2016 in pictures.