By Niclas Hammarström – Niclas visited Syria on two different occasions. While there, he covered the different aspects of the conflict and how the destruction and dangerous environment affects the citizens of Aleppo. In this story, Niclas covered the daily life of civilians visiting the Dar al-Shifa Hospital and a psychiatric clinic.
Aleppo, Syria. Dar al-Shifa hospital. FSA-Free Syrian Army.
A dead civilian is loaded onto a pickup truck for transport to his family.Aleppo, Syria. Dar al-Shifa hospital. FSA-Free Syrian Army.
Photo:Niclas Hammarström
A young boy play with a home made rifle in Aleppo.Aleppo, Syria. Dar al-Shifa hospital. FSA-Free Syrian Army.
This man needs to get treatment from government controlled hospital. Hospital staff will put him in a taxi and hope that he will get thru all the road blocks.
He´s pregnant wife is also in serious condition after their home was hit by a bomb.A Free Syrian Army fighter aims his weapon during clashes with government forces in Aleppo.Halal slaughtering in Aleppos meat district. Every morning farmers bring their cheeps too Allepo for slaughter.Aleppo, Syria
A family walks on empty streets of Aleppo.
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Photo:Niclas HammarströmA Free Syrian Army fighter prays in a mosque in Aleppo.A Free Syrian Army fighter steps on a paper with the photo of Syrian President Bashar Assad in Aleppo.Aleppo, Syria
Nine year old Alladin collects used ammunition near the frontline in Aleppo to sell as metal.A free syrian army sniper aims at a target in Aleppo.Aleppo, Syria
A free syrian army sniper aims at a target in Aleppo.Aleppo, Syria
al-Safaa psychiatric clinic in Aleppo. 54 mentally ill patients from ages 13 to 76 years old are taking cared by three volunteers. All the doctors fled when the war broke out. Many of the patients are forced to eat and sleep in their own and other patients feces.Aleppo, Syria
A man helps carry the dead body of a civilian killed after a mortar attack in the Saif al-Dawlah neighborhood of Aleppo.A Free Syrian Army fighter plays football with some kids in the Saif al-Dawlah neighborhood of Aleppo.Two dead bodies lie on a street in the Saif al-Dawlah neighborhood of Aleppo. The area is immersed in a Syrian civil war that the United Nations estimates has killed more than 60,000 people since the revolt against President Bashar Assad began in March 2011.Aleppo, Syria
Children sit on school benches at Al-Tawheed school in Aleppo. Most of the schools in Aleppo are closed. Due to no heat and electricity they move some classes outside.Free syrian army fighters stand guard at a checkpoint in Aleppo.People shout Free Syrian Army slogans during a demonstration in the neighborhood of Bustan Al-Qasr, Aleppo.Free syrian army fighters stand guard at a checkpoint in Aleppo.People shout Free Syrian Army slogans during a demonstration in the neighborhood of Bustan Al-Qasr, Aleppo.Aleppo, Syria
Aleppo, a destroyed city with no heat and electricity.At a small hospital in Aleppo doctors helps a young boy with burns.At a small hospital in Aleppo doctors helps a young boy to get rid of his cast.Aleppo, Syria
At a small hospital in Aleppo doctors helps a young boy with burns.Free syrian army fighters stand guard at a checkpoint in Aleppo.Aleppo, Syria. Dar al-Shifa hospital. FSA-Free Syrian Army.
Dania Kilsi, 11, is treated for shrapnel wounds in Dar al-Shifa hospital in Aleppo. She and her two younger siblings, Zaid, 2 and Fatima 6, were playing outside their home when they got injured from a bomb.
Photo:Niclas Hammarstrom